
Extinct: Stylish Death Enamel Pin Collection

Created by Hunter Braly

Enamel pins based around dying in style

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pins are here! Shipping begins next week!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, May 23, 2022 at 10:29:27 AM

Hey everyone! I'm grading and going through pins as I write this. I'm so excited, they all look so good! I've attached an image of the ammonite to this post on their backing cards for you guys to see. 

While we've been waiting, I've been busy working on my next set! I've included a survey and if you would be kind enough to fill it out and let me know which pin you think should be unlocked first that would be really helpful and I'd really appreciate it. Mean time, I'll be working to get these shipped out as soon as possible! 

Things are moving along
about 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 09:14:38 PM

Hello everyone! It's been a moment since my last update, so here we go. All of the pins are in production, several have been finished but we still have quite a while to go before it's done. My manufacturer is currently projecting to be done in early June, because the anodized metal is taking a little bit longer. That said, we are on schedule with where we should be and I have been putting together boxes and thank you notes for everyone, the freebie stickers have arrived, and the backing cards have arrived. Now we just have to wait on the star of the show, the pins. In the mean time, I'm going to charge cards at the end of this month. So be sure to be ready for that! 

Thank you all again for being a part of this, and double thank you to everyone who joined my mailing list! Im currently working on some ideas for my next set of pins and I'm going to take a vote from that list to see what we want to go with next. I hope everyone who celebrates had a good Easter and everyone else had a good weekend!

Surveys are beginning to be sent out + Life updates
about 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 07:55:07 PM

Hey everyone! There have been a few questions about the survey and I wanted to give a general update so here we go! The molds have been finished actually, so the only thing we are waiting on for full production is the survey. That's my bad, I usually would have wanted to get that out a little bit sooner, however there have been a few delays on my end. I'm never the best at setting up backerkit, admittedly, and this past two weeks there has been some family stressors (surgery, everything has gone well thankfully) along with getting sick myself, and it really slowed me down. It shouldn't make anything late and we are in fact still chugging right along slightly ahead of schedule. I appreciate everyone's patience. That said, the wait is ending now! The smoke test has been sent out to about a dozen backers to make sure everything is as it should be, and then this weekend I will be sending out the full survey! Once I have a good idea of how many of each I should order we will be good to go, with the full order hopefully being placed at the end of the coming week. I also got in the freeby stickers for everyone! Every backer will get one in their package as a thank you. I hope you are all doing well and dont hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Campaign ends, ordering begins
about 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 07:46:13 PM

Now that funding is over I can say for a fact this is my best campaign yet. I'm so thankful and lucky to have you all as a part of this process, I really appreciate it.

The past few days I've been in contact with my manufacturer to get the molds into production. I should be sending out the survey the next few days via backerkit, and you will be able to select which pins you would like. Once the funds are recieved I should be able to get the full production underway immediatly if everyone answers their surveys in a reasonable time frame. Then its just waiting! This is a higher volume of pins than I was anticipating (not at all a complaint!), but hopefully it won't take any longer than I anticipated during during campaign. 

Thank you again!

Last few days
about 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 07:52:56 PM

As we come up on the last stretch of the fundraising I just wanted to say wow! Thank you all so much! We have gone so far past what I was expecting and I have to say I'm so so happy with it. I'm in the process now of getting all the molds made, and will update here with that info when I have it. I've also designed a sticker that you will all be getting free with your order,  regardless of if you got the mini pin. Once the kickstarter ends I will be sending out backerkit surveys as quickly as I am able to so that I can get the counts to my manufacturer and we can really get the ball rolling! I will also offer some add-ons there if you are so inclined, which will all ship with your kickstarter order. I'm really just blown away and so happy with this project and with the wonderful response you have all given me. Thank you again 🖤